Ref. No. : 70550553   
Tender Corrigendum :
Tender CorrigendumDeadline has been changes from Jul 19 2024 12:00AM to Jul 26 2024 12:00AM
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Tender Corrigendum PublicationCompany Web Site - Internet
Tender Corrigendum Document Can be download by Subscribers
Tender CorrigendumDeadline has been changes from Jun 20 2024 12:00AM to Jul 19 2024 12:00AM
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Tender Corrigendum PublicationCompany Web Site - Internet
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Tender CorrigendumDeadline has been changes from Apr 24 2024 12:00AM to Jun 20 2024 12:00AM
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Tender Corrigendum PublicationCompany Web Site - Internet
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Tender CorrigendumDeadline has been changes from Apr 4 2024 12:00AM to Apr 24 2024 12:00AM
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Tender Corrigendum PublicationCompany Web Site - Internet
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Tender CorrigendumDeadline has been changes from Mar 21 2024 12:00AM to Apr 4 2024 12:00AM
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Tender Corrigendum PublicationCompany Web Site - Internet
Tender Corrigendum Document Can be download by Subscribers
Company Name : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Product Detail : Daily spraying And Fogging activity for control of Vector Born Disease under Urban Malaria Scheme with providing manpower, machinery and equipments in Nashik Municipal Corporation.Nashik West, New ( CIDCO) Satpur Division Tender No 2
Tender Detail : Daily spraying And Fogging activity for control of Vector Born Disease under Urban Malaria Scheme with providing manpower, machinery and equipments in Nashik Municipal Corporation.Nashik West, New Nashik ( CIDCO) Satpur Division Tender No 2 #*. Daily spraying And Fogging activity for control of Vector Born Disease under Urban Malaria Scheme with providing manpower, machinery and equipments in Nashik Municipal Corporation.Nashik West, New Nashik ( CIDCO) Satpur Division Tender No 2
Tender Location : Maharashtra - India
Document Path : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Tender Closing Date : 26/07/2024 at 00:00 Hrs.
Tender Opening Date : 27/07/2024 at 12:00 Hrs.
Address : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Sub-Industry/Industry : Municipal Corporations - Non-financial Services   
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